Natural and Beneficial Functions

According to FEMA's Protecting Floodplain Resources: A Guidebook for Communities, "the recognized benefits of a naturally functioning floodplain include the storage and conveyance of flood waters, the recharging of groundwater; the maintenance of surface water quality, and the provision of habitats for fish and wildlife. These areas also provide diverse recreational opportunities. scenic value, and a source of community identity and pride" (1996, p. 1).

In addition, FEMA points out that "the natural values of floodplains...lies not in their removal and sale, but in the functions that they perform within the floodplain environment" (1996, p. 5).

Natural Floodplain Functions

There are many ways to protect natural floodplain functions, including:

  • Keeping areas of the floodplain in their natural state
  • Preventing dumping in the floodplain
  • Preserving natural drainage
  • Controlling runoff
  • Protecting wildlife habitats
  • Requiring erosion control in new development
  • Stay off the dunes!

Many more ways to protect natural floodplain functions can be found in FEMA's Protecting Floodplain Resources: A Guidebook for Communities.


Drainage System

The municipal drainage system consists primarily of underground pipelines and catch basins located at street level.  The Borough conducts semi-annual inspections of all catch basins and removes all sand and debris which has accumulated in the structure.  The drainage system provides an important function in that it minimizes, where possible, localized flooding caused by rainwaters.

The Borough has an anti-litter ordinance which prohibits the disposal of debris within the Municipality.  This ordinance in part is for the purpose of keeping litter out of the Municipal storm drainage system.  Any violations should be reported to the Police Department.

The storm drainage system carries untreated storm runoff directly to the bay.  Illegal sanitary tie-ins, pet wastes, and discharge of such wastes as oil, paint and fertilizer pollute the water, destroy aquatic plants, endanger wildlife and decrease the beauty of the bay and ocean.  It is a violation of New Jersey State Law to discharge hazardous substances to the environment (including waste motor oil, petroleum products, pesticides, and herbicides).  Any such discharges should be reported to the New Jersey Environmental Hotline at 1-877-927-6337.



Dune System:

The dune and beach areas help reduce flood damage by mitigating the effect of storm waves.

Without the dunes, oceanfront properties and other Borough infrastructure would be exposed to the full force of waves during storm events.  The natural and beneficial function of the ocean front dunes cannot be overemphasized.  Borough ordinance regulates the beach and dune area, prohibiting virtually all construction and regulating access even by the property owners.  What you can do:

  •  Stay off the dunes!
  •  Cross dunes only at approved pathways or walkways.
  •  Support dune maintenance activities (dune grass planting, dune fence installation and maintenance).
  •  Report Dune Ordinance violations to the Police Department.