2022 Holiday Season Safety

Purse in Shopping Cart

With the holiday shopping season approaching it presents a prime opportunity for thieves: loaded wallets and busy stores. As you're debating which roast to buy and whether your aunt would actually like this sweater, crooks can make off with your purse or wallet and then use your cards on their own spending spree.

We are advising consumers to play it safe this season (and all year-long) by implementing some simple security mechanisms.

When using a shopping cart as you browse through the store, keep your purse zipped or closed and secure it to the cart by clipping the child safety belt through the strap(s).  This will help in preventing someone from taking advantage of your distraction and running off with the purse.  It's super simple, and it only takes 10 seconds to do. If your cart doesn't have a belt, you can improvise your own device with an inexpensive carabiner clip. Keep it attached to your purse strap, and secure it to the cart that way and stick one in each of your bags so you never forget.

Another scam is where one crook may distract the victim while the other snatches their valuables.

A similar pickpocket scheme is where a proposed thief will ask shoppers about finding items in the store while their accomplice/companion lifts the credit cards or other valuables.

Besides closing and securing your purse, it is also recommended to follow these additional precautions:

  • Staying alert of your surroundings
  • Carrying as little cash as possible and keeping it in your front pocket
  • Notifying your credit card company immediately if your card is lost or stolen
  • Staying wary of strangers who approach you for any reason
  • Use a smaller purse that you can carry with you.
  • If you are a victim, call the police immediately.