Beach ordinance No. 734

Dogs / Animals on the beach
Service dogs

SECTION 2. The Borough Code of the Borough of Mantoloking is hereby amended and supplemented so as to amend Chapter 10, entitled "Beach Regulations," so as to amend §10-4.10 entitled "Animals" so as to amend subsection b. in its entirety, so that it shall read as follows:

No dogs or other animals shall be permitted upon Borough-owned beaches or upon beaches under Borough jurisdiction, except however:

Leashed dogs and other animals when accompanied by a responsible person shall be permitted on beaches between May 15th and October 1st, only between sunrise and 10:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to sunset, however no dog or other animal shall be suffered or permitted to be in or upon the area known as North Lagoon (adjacent to Bergen Avenue) between May 15th and October 1st. This ban and          prohibition· shall and does extend to and include the entire area from the northerly edge of the street pavement to the water's edge and on the east and west by the lines formed by the extension of the bulkheads, southerly, to the points of intersection with the northern edge of pavement.

From October 2nd to May 14th dogs and other animals shall be permitted upon beaches and access ways unleashed, but only when under the direct and immediate control of a responsible person.

**Reminder Service dogs**

"All service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices."