Internal Affairs

The members of the Mantoloking Police Department are committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective, and impartially applied. It is the policy of the Mantoloking Police Department to accept and investigate all complaints of department and employee’s alleged misconduct or wrongdoing from any citizen, department employee or any other sources, including anonymous sources.It is in the best interests of everyone that your complaint about the performance of an individual officer is resolved fairly and promptly. The Police Department has formal procedures for investigating your complaint. These procedures are designed to ensure fairness and protect the rights of both citizens and law enforcement officers.

Complaints against Mantoloking Police Department employees will be accepted in person, by telephone, by letter or email at any time.  It is preferred that the complaint is made in person, by the person directly involved in the incident so we can be sure to ascertain as much information as possible to investigate the claim, but it is not necessary.  Complaints can be made anonymously or by a third party.

All officers and employees are empowered to take an employee complaint.  Your complaint will be sent to a superior officer or a specially trained Internal Affairs officer who will conduct a thorough and objective investigation.

If the complaint alleges minor violations of departmental policies or procedures or the complaint alleges acts of discourtesy, the complaint will be forwarded through the chain of command to the member’s immediate supervisor for an investigation.

You might be asked to help in the investigation by giving a detailed statement about what happened or providing other important information or documents.

All complaints against law enforcement officers are thoroughly investigated. You will be advised in writing of the outcome.

If our investigation shows that a crime might have been committed, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office will be notified. You might be asked to testify in court.

If our investigation results in an officer being charged with a violation of department rules or regulations, you might be asked to testify in a departmental hearing.

If our investigation shows that the complaint is unfounded or that the officer acted properly, the matter will be closed.

Internal Affairs investigations are confidential and all disciplinary hearings shall be closed to the public unless the defendant officer requests an open hearing.

When a complaint alleges criminal conduct on the part of an employee, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office will be notified.  A representative from that office may oversee the investigation, participate in the investigation, or conduct the investigation.

Once the investigation is concluded, you will be advised of the outcome in written form. Complaints from the public, whether substantiated or not, increase the awareness of the leadership of this agency to actual or potential problems, as well as the perceptions of the community. This feedback will ultimately assist in determining whether the mission statement and goals of this agency are being attained.

To report a complaint, fill out an Internal Affairs Complaint Form and return it to the Mantoloking Police Department at 202 Downer Avenue, 1st Floor, Mantoloking, NJ, 08738.  To report a complaint via phone or fax, contact 732-295-1465 and request to speak with an officer.  To email the form, send it to

Click here for an Internal Affairs Complaint Form available in multiple languages

Click here for the Civilian Complaint Information Sheet in multiple languages